CASTELLO ERRANTE. RESIDENZA INTERNAZIONALE DEL CINEMA (INTERNATIONAL CINEMA RESIDENCY) is a training, production and promotion project in the audiovisual industry, carried out in close contact with the territory hosting it, as well as a great opportunity for international exchange between young European and Latin American professionals (hereinafter “the Project”).

Every year, a group of students and professionals, from Latin America and Italy, gathers in a small Italian village to attend intensive training sessions and to develop and produce audiovisual products.

The Project is organized by Occhi di Giove S.r.l. (hereinafter the “Organiser“), with the support of the Italian Ministry of Culture, the Lazio Region, the Ibermedia Programme and the cooperation of IILA – Italian-Latin American International Organisation, Roma Lazio Film Commission, Doc/it – Associazione Documentaristi Italiani and the Embassies of Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Haiti, Venezuela, Dominican Republic and Uruguay, as well as several Latin American National Film Schools.

With the aim of supporting the creativity of young authors and promoting cultural and international exchange, in cooperation with the other partners involved in the Project, Castello Errante publishes the Call for the selection of a screenplay for a short fiction film that will be developed and produced during the 7th edition of the International Residency Project.

Such Call is accompanied by special calls for the selection of the film crew.


The aim of the call for the selection of a screenplay (hereinafter referred to as “the Call”) is to select a screenplay for a fictional short film with an open topic.

From the winning screenplay a short film will be developed and produced during the Residency, shot by the film crew and the director selected, as a result of special Calls, held within the framework of the Project.

The Call is aimed at promoting the knowledge of young authors through the production of a short film based on their screenplays, which will then be broadcast, in line with the timing and methods deemed most appropriate by the Organiser, at festivals, cinema circuits and wherever it may be appropriate and possible.

The Call also constitutes a training opportunity for young authors, as the selected author has the right to participate in all the master classes and remote workshops organized by the Residency as well as in on-line discussion sessions with the troupe and the director, as needed and according to the author’s availability expressed by the author himself.

Participation in the Call by sending the required documents signifies acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this Call.


This Call is addressed to Italian authors, authors of Italian nationality and authors from one of the following countries: Argentina, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Participants must be aged between 21 and 35 (this requirement must be met at the time of submitting the application).

Persons employed by OCCHI DI GIOVE S.r.l. or by entities supporting the Project and cooperating with it are not eligible to participate in the Call. Likewise, those who have a relationship up to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity, as well as a close friendship or partnership, with the staff of the administration and management services of the Call or with the members of the evaluation board are not eligible to participate.

Authors selected, or who have participated, in previous editions of the project may participate in the Call.


The participant can take part in the Call by sending only one screenplay in Italian or Spanish.

To participate in the Call, the participant must send, by the deadline indicated below, a fictional short film screenplay with the following characteristics:

1) It must be an original unedited work, not yet published or broadcast or adapted for the cinema by the participant, or a work taken from a previous literary, audiovisual or theatrical work by the same participant. Therefore, screenplays already filmed and in the post-production phase, screenplays that have already competed in other competitions in this sector, screenplays that have previously competed or won prizes, mentions or similar recognitions, or screenplays based on short stories, novels, plays, etc., written by an author who is not the Participant, will not be accepted;

2) The screenplay must be accompanied by the submission of the subject (as specified in par. 4)

3) It must be between 8 and 15 pages long, be written in digital form, in the standard format of film writing, in Courier New 12 font and in PDF format. In case of selection, an editable format will be requested for the subsequent translation of the selected work.

4) Except for what is stated in par. 5, it must preferably include the development of the whole narrative flow of the story in a single indoor location, in a maximum of two indoor spaces, with great attention being paid to the characters’ dialogue and characteristics.

5) It must include, within the narrative development of the story, an external location that can be representative of the host territory of the Italian province of Rieti, in Lazio Region (a village, a castle, a monument, etc.).

6) Screenplays written by several authors (2 or more) are permitted, provided that each of them complies with the requirements set out in par. 2 and on condition that each of the co-authors assigns his or her rights to exploit the work for the purposes of making the short film, its distribution and its exploitation, including for commercial purposes.

Screenplays must not include technical notes or director or editing instructions, and must be strictly limited to authorship work, in order to make room for the creation of an artistic proposal coming also from the other participants in the Residency.


Participants must send an email with subject: SCREENPLAY CALL to attaching the following documents:

  1. Screenplay meeting all the conditions set in par. 3.
  2. Storyline of max. 5 lines.
  3. Synopsis (summary of the topic) of max. 15 lines.
  4. Script (min. 2 pages, max 4 pages)
  5. General description of the main characters.
  6. A copy of a valid identity card or passport.
  7. Privacy policy form – downloadable at the top of this page – duly signed and completed in all indicated fields.

Failure to provide even just one of the above mentioned documents will automatically result in the ineligibility to participate in the call and the exclusion of the candidate.

The following information must be written in the email body:

  1. Full name and age of the author.
  2. Name and age of any co-authors.
  3. Phone number and email address.



The screenplay must be received by 15st August 2023 at 11:59 pm (CEST), except for any extensions published on the Project website.

The date of the e-mail will be counted as date of entry.

Applications received after the above mentioned date will not be taken into consideration.

The Organiser will send an e-mail acknowledging receipt.


The Participant declares and guarantees that he/she is the exclusive holder of all copyrights related to the Screenplay. He/she undertakes, by stipulating a specific contract, to assign to the Organiser and its assignees, on an exclusive basis and for the maximum duration envisaged by Italian law, all rights of economic exploitation of the Screenplay necessary to make the short film during the Residency and distribute it in any form and manner, throughout the world and for the maximum duration envisaged by the applicable laws, with the express provision that the Organiser may assign the rights acquired, in whole or in part, to third parties.

The Participant guarantees that his/her screenplay does not violate third-party rights in any way and holds the Organiser and the partners of this initiative harmless from and against any and all claims, costs or requests that could be brought by third parties.


The selected participant will receive a notification by telephone and/or email no later than 10th September 2023.

The evaluation board will be composed of professionals operating in the cultural and audiovisual industry and of the project organizing staff.

The evaluation given by the board is final. The board will evaluate the following elements:

  • narrative and expressive completeness of the screenplay;
  • descriptive completeness of the characters and depth of the proposed dialogues;
  • fulfillment of the requirements and the writer’s ability to investigate and analyze.

Screenplays that are also appealing to an international audience and can guarantee wide promotion and distribution of the work, will receive particular attention by the evaluation board.


The Participant agrees that the screenplay will be sent together with all the relevant documentation to the members of the evaluation board and to the administrative and technical staff of the Organiser, in order to enable the evaluation of applications.

The Participant expresses his/her interest and his/her willingness to participate as an author of the Project in rewriting, analysis and pre-production works, in cooperation with the production crew and the director.

The Participant guarantees that his/her work does not infringe any intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties and holds the Organiser and the project partners harmless against any and all prejudicial consequences, claims, requests or costs resulting from third-party claims.

The Participant acknowledges and accepts that the script may be subject to changes that will be shared with the author, provided that the Organizer will have the right to ultimately decide on the changes to be made and the final draft that will be produced.


The Organiser and its partners shall not be liable for a) any late, misdirected, confused, distorted or damaged entries or submissions; b) any malfunction or failure related to telephone, electronic, hardware, software, Internet network or any other type of failure related to computers or communications; c) any damage to or loss of content caused by events beyond the control of the Organiser or due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances; d) any printing or typographical inaccuracies in the materials associated with this initiative.

Therefore, participants hereby waive any and all claims in respect of the above listed circumstances against the Organiser and its assignees.


This initiative will be promoted on website, on social networks related to the Project as well as through the communication channels of the project partners.


The Organiser reserves the right to exclude participants and/or winners who:

  • have declared false or untrue information concerning their identity;
  • have failed to accept and meet all the conditions set by the rules;
  • have sent content, images or materials that are harmful to the rights of others or that are defamatory;
  • have not sent all the necessary documents as required in par. 4 or have registered after the deadline indicated in par. 5;
  • do not enter into the contract mentioned in par. 6.

Participants hereby waive any and all claims to that effect.


Participants are aware that the Covid -19 pandemic may cause restrictions and the Organiser’s inability to hold the International Residency in presence, in the event whereby any future rules, regulations or provisions by government authorities might prevent it. In such cases, the participant waives any dispute and/or claim if the short film cannot be made or in the event that its production is postponed.


Participation in the Call signifies the Participant’s unconditional and total acceptance of the provisions and terms contained in these rules, without any limitation.


These rules are drawn up in accordance with and are solely subject to Italian law and Italian jurisdiction.

Any dispute relating to the interpretation, execution and validity of these rules shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Turin.


In accordance with current legislation, the Organisation informs the Call participants that the personal data sent will become part of a data archive held by the Organiser and will be processed by it in accordance with the applicable legislation regarding personal data protection.

Information on personal data processing is provided in a separate attachment, which participants are required to read, sign and send separately with a copy of a valid identity card or passport to